Wednesday, 10 April 2019

The Strangerville Mystery Part 1

The Strangerville Mystery

A Strangerville Story

Part 1 - Strange Things Are Afoot.

Welcome to our first Sims 4 story!  I may be a little rusty so apologies for that, but I hope you enjoy :)

Now, if you have not yet played the Strangerville Story be warned, this story is a SPOILER!

So if you don't want to know what happens go back, do not enter here, this is not the path.

So, on with the story...

Adriana: Ahhh, finally a place of my own!  

This is the lovely Adriana Ware who has recently flown the safety of her nest and entered the big wild world to find her path in Strangerville.

So Adriana, why Strangerville?

Adriana: The military recruitment agency said this was the best place to climb the ladder.  Ok, so I've only go a small home for now, but once I've made it as a top level covert operator I can find somewhere bigger.  Anyway, it has everything I need for now.

Best you get signed up then!

Adriana: Right!  I have a job!  Wait, what's this?  I already have instructions, wow they really do get you going quick!

So, what is it you need to do?

Adriana: Workout on an exercise machine.

Do you have one of those?

Adriana:  Hmm, no.  Let's go shopping!

What is that!!

Adriana: It's a training dummy.  This will work.

Are you sure?  It doesn't look like an exercise machine.

Adriana: Of course it is!  I bought it from the sports emporium.


What's wrong?

Adriana: It hit me!

I think that's the point?

Adriana: Well it's not working.

I told yo....

Adriana: Shut up!

Where did that come from?

Adriana: I went back to the store, they said this would do the trick.


Adriana: Ooh, I have guests!

They look a little odd...

Adriana: I'm sure it's just the way they welcome people around here.

I'm not so sure.

Adriana: It's fine. Look, I'll show you.  Let's go have a chat.

Adriana: Hi, I'm...

New Neighbor: Mother knows all. Join us.

Adriana: Urm, excuse me?

Adriana: Hey! What do you think you are doing?

New Neighbor: Spread the seed of mother. Grow the family.

Adriana: Ok, maybe you were right.  They do seem a little off.

A little!!

Hey Adriana, one of them is sneaking something in your fridge!

Adriana: What the..

Adriana: What are you guys up to?!  What is wrong with you?!

You're hugging her!  Keep back!!

Adriana: Shhh, I'm planting a bug.

A bug?  What.. where..?

Adriana: My trailer came with this cool setup, I can buy bugs and listen in on people!

I worry about you sometimes...

What's going on?!  Who are they!?

Adriana: I don't know but they stole my fridge!

Adriana: Oh wait.  They left a note.

Well that's okay then.  So?

Adriana: Apparently they were contaminated, they have reimbursed me.

Okay, time to shop again then.  This place just gets weirder and weirder.

What you doing at the gym?

Adriana: The treadmill didn't work either, I figured I'd try everything here and see what worked.

Did anything?

Adriana: Yep this thing.

So you need to get one of those?

Adriana: I need to get paid first!

Back home and Adriana is playing with her new toy.

So, you heard anything yet?  Did the bug work?

Adriana: Shh! I'm listening!

Oh! Sorry!

Adriana:  Hmm, it seems strange things are going on in this town.  People seem possessed by a strange force.  It all seems to lead back to some crater.

Maybe you should think about moving?

Adriana: Maybe I should investigate!

So, what's on today's agenda?

Adriana: Marching!


Adriana: Every good soldier has to learn how to march.

You have to learn it? Interesting.

So, how was it?

Adriana: I'm beat. But I got promoted!

From marching?!

Adriana: I know right!

More work stuff?

Adriana: Nope, I'm researching the odd goings on in this town.


Adriana: And changing my passwords.


Adriana: Can never be too careful.


Nice office.

Adriana: Oh, this isn't the office, I'm at the bar.

The bar?

Adriana: I'm looking for intel.  I need to compile evidence and make a dossier so people take me seriously.

Of course you do.

There's more of them! Look!

Adriana: Can't look, jogging. Anyway, it's rude to stare are people.

Okay.  Sorry, point taken... but they are acting very strange.

Adriana: That's why I need the dossier, to get to the bottom of this mystery.

Adriana: But first, lunch.

I thought you needed to more information for this dossier of yours?

Adriana: A girl can't save the world on an empty stomach.

Adriana decided to visit the little curiosity shack to see what she could find out.

Adriana: Good morning my good man.  I am looking for information on the strange happenings around this town.  Can you help?

Shack Guy: You want intel, you need to buy something first.

Adriana: Okay, I'll take a cowplant autopsy poster and hmm.. that abduction poster please.

Shack Guy:  Good choice that will be $150.

Adriana: How much!  Well this better be worth it!

Shack Guy:  Rumor has it that all this started at the old laboratory in the crater.  It's been abandoned since all the strange things started happening.  I'd take a look there, see if you can find anything of interest.

Adriana: Well that was pretty helpful.  Thanks! 

Ooh so this is the abandoned laboratory.  Why are we standing outside?

Adriana: Just checking no one is watching.

*zooms out camera* I've checked, you're good to go.

Adriana: What's with the rush?  

Abandoned laboratory? Exciting!!

Adriana: Now who's being strange?


Ooh, what's in there?

Adriana: I don't know, it's locked.  I need a key-card or something.  I'll ask the guys at work, see if they know anything.

Okay, lets go see what else you can find.

Adriana: You are really getting into this aren't you?

I told you.  Exciting!!

Adriana:  Hmm...

Adriana: Ah..


Adriana:  Well what?

Did you find anything!

Adriana: Oh, yes.


Adriana: Just a few reports, newspaper clippings, photos and that sort of thing.

Anything useful?

Adriana: Plenty of stuff to put in the dossier but nothing that really explains what is going on.  I really need to get through that door.

Adriana:  What a strange looking plant.  I'll take a photo for the dossier, it may be important.

That night whilst Adriana slept...

Adriana did you lock the door?

Adriana: Zzzzzz

Obviously not.  Adriana wake up!

Adriana: Zzzzzz

Geeze that girl will sleep through anything!

Adriana wake up!

Oh this can't be good.

Great.  Attacked by a vampire.  And I didn't think things could get any stranger. *sigh*

Oh good, you're finally awake.

Adriana:  Ugh, I feel drained.  What did that visit to the lab do to me?

It wasn't the lab.  It was the vampire that had you as a snack in the night.

Adriana: What! How did he get in?  Why didn't you wake me?

You forgot to lock the door.  And I tried.

Adriana: Pfft.

It's that neighbor of yours again

Adriana: Just keep your head down.  I've noticed that if you ignore them they just carry on walking.


Adriana: I've been tracking them and they appear to be following the same route each time.  I just can't figure out what is so special about it.  They just seem programmed to walk it.

What you reading?

Adriana:  Just studying the history of the town.  It's puzzling really.  The town was built around the crater, no-one knew where it had come from and left it alone. Everything seemed normal until they built the lab on top of it.  There were reports of strange spores being released as they broke ground and then those odd little plants started appearing.  They actually changed the town name from Craterville to Strangerville about 20 years ago when people started acting a little odd.  Over the last few years things have got worse and then the lab was abandoned.

How strange.

Adriana headed off to the local library to find more information on the strange happenings and to find out where she could acquire a key card.

Adriana: So, if I can get enough information together you know someone who can get me a key-card?

Conspiracy Girl: Yes. But keep it real quiet, they don't want people poking around in there.  Careful who you trust.

Adriana: I've signed up for an Open Simsversity online hacking course.

Why pray tell?

Adriana:  I saw a bunch of computers in the old lab.  If I can hack into them I should be able to find plenty of information for my dossier.

And you are bugging people because...

Adriana: Any information might be useful. The more I learn about the people living in this town the better.

Adriana: I really feel like I've taken a leap forward today.  I know what I have to do to get into that sealed door.

What if you don't like what you find? Do you think it's safe?

Adriana: Like you said.. Exciting!

What are you doing?

Adriana: Spraying the monster under the bed.

Monster!? Really? You are happy to run around bugging people and breaking into secret laboratory's but you are afraid there is a monster under your bed?!

Adriana: You never know.  It's a strange world out there.  Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Point well made.

So what's on today's agenda?

Adriana: I've got some marching practice to do for work.  A webinar for my hacking course at 3.  Then more research before heading off to the bar to meet up with my workmates.

Sounds like a busy day!

Adriana: Oh, got a hit on that Conspiracy Theorist I bugged.  This should be juicy!

You don't look impressed.

Adriana: Apparently he ran late for dinner with his mother after spending 3 hours trying to persuade scientists that a plain old rock was in fact a time portal to another dimension.

Oh dear.

Adriana: Time for my webinar.

More local history?

Adriana: Well, not exactly.  It's a study into local abductions.  I'm not sure how much of this I can take seriously if I'm honest.

Adriana:  Ah, time to relax.

I thought you were relaxing.

Adriana: The opportunity was there, I took it.  Plus he's hot, I want to see if he has a girlfriend.

You could just ask him.

Adriana: Now where is the fun in that!

Adriana managed to get through the rest of the evening without bugging anyone else!

Exercise machine for work again?

Adriana: Yup. *straining* Did you change the weights? 

No why?

Adriana: It just seems harder this morning.

Maybe it was all that juice you drank at the bar last night?

Adriana: Pfft.

Any luck?

Adriana: Unfortunately he does have a girlfriend. 

Oh dear, plenty more fish and all that.

Adriana: However I also learnt that the military have been trying to cover up the strange happenings and they have heard someone is poking about.

Best you keep your head down for a bit.

Adriana: If I keep working towards a promotion, maybe they wont suspect me.

That could work.

Adriana: Or even better, I get promoted to such a high rank they tell me everything!

Just be careful!

What are we doing back here?  I thought you were going to lay low for a bit?

Adriana: I should have progressed enough on my hacking course to see what is on those computers.  I need that key-card.  Is the coast clear?

*sigh* Yes.

Adriana: Right, here goes nothing!

Just hurry up and finish so we can leave.

Adriana: Hurry up? I've got 4 computers to hack into.  This stuff takes time you know.

You are hacking all 4!

Adriana: I don't want to miss anything.

What's that smell?  Is something burning?

Adriana: Ah, yes. Well.  

What did you do?

Adriana: I may have broken a computer... or three.

You broke them?!

Adriana: Well, I got in hacking away then poof!


Adriana: Poof! I got some great intel though.  I will definitely be able to finish my dossier now.

Well that's okay then!

The next day Adriana was a public holiday.  Neighborhood Brawl Day.

Adriana: I love this holiday!

Adriana: I remember as a kid, going to the park and brawling with all my friends.  Good times.

Adriana: Yahoo!

Adriana: Great fight mate, give me a hug.

You're bugging her!

Adriana: Shhh!

Adriana: Best day ever! *oof*

She finally heads to the library to meet her contact for the key-card.

Conspiracy Theorist: Ok, just send the file to me at

Adriana: Sent.  Now what?

Conspiracy Theorist: Once I've checked over your dossier I'll mail you the key-card.

Adriana: Can't you just give it to me?

Conspiracy Theorist: No, someone could be watching us.

Adriana: Thanks for your help.  Hug?

Conspiracy Theorist: Oh how sweet, you are quite welcome.

Adriana: (I'm not letting him out of my sight until I get that key-card!)

With nothing to do but wait, Adriana headed out to a karaoke bar with her friend Mandy.

Mandy: Lets sing a song!

Adriana: I don't know, I'm not very good at singing.

Mandy:  Don't worry, we'll do it together.

Mandy: See? Not that bad is it?

Adriana: No, this is so much fun!

Adriana: I need to get me one of these machines!

Adriana: I did it myyyy waaayyyy

It was all a bit too much excitement and Adriana fell asleep at the bar.

Adriana: I hear the postman!

So, did it arrive?

Adriana: Nope, I've just checked the bug and he has posted it.

So I guess we wait?

Adriana: I'm so excited!  I can't focus on this book. I'm going to take a walk.

Adriana: Oh look, an old crashed plane.

Adriana: Wow, it's hiding an underground bunker!  I think someone lives here.

Adriana: Oh! Hello!  I'm terribly sorry to just walk in.

Old George: Welcome, you are not the first and I'm sure you wont be the last!  Please stay for a chat.

Old George: You must be new around here, I'm George.

Adriana: Adriana, pleased to meet you. 

After chatting for a few hours Adriana felt that she could trust George enough to share some of her findings.

Adriana:  Look at this report, it just screams cover-up!

Old George: Wow, that's amazing!  Where did you find it?

Adriana: Oh, just came across it in an old journal I found.

Old George: Do you have any other stuff like this?

Adriana: Sure, can I borrow your laptop?

Adriana: Really George your security on here is terrible.  Let me fix that for you first.

Old George: Sure *cough* is it hot in here?  I think I could use a glass of water.  You want one.

Adriana: No thanks.

Adriana I think it's time to leave.

Adriana: (I see it) Bye George, I've remembered I'm late for..for a thing.  Catch up soon.

Old George: *twitches*

Old George: *walks twitchingly towards Adriana*

Adriana: Gotta run!

Well I'm glad you didn't have any of that water!

Adriana: Me too!  Such a shame he seems like such a nice man.

Looks like you have a delivery!

Adriana: Is he following me?

No you're good.

You look happy.

Adriana: Finally a key-card. 

I thought you would be heading straight to the lab?

Adriana: Duty calls.  I can't not do my work assignments, people might get suspicious.

Very true.

You look like you are getting good at that.

Adriana: It's all in the timing.

Adriana: Kiai!

Anything new?

Adriana: Looks like the heat's off for now.  The military are looking for a Conspiracy Theorist.

Adriana: What's all this! I don't remember downloading this to my laptop.

Are you sure you didn't?

Adriana: Have I been bugged?  Is someone watching my every move?

No, I'm sure I would have seen it.

Adriana: Well, I'm adding extra layers of encryption just in case.

Adriana: What was that noise! Who's there!

It's nothing.  You are being paranoid.

Adriana: Don't call me paranoid!

Adriana: Ok, let's do this thing! Ready?


Adriana: Time to discover what secrets you are hiding and finally start to unravel this mystery.


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